I am Kenta, and I have an 81-year-old grandmother. Recently, my parents talked about her going to a nursing home. Personally, I thought nursing homes were just facilities where elderly people who need care live and pay for others to look after them. However, it turns out that there are many types of nursing homes, and various other facilities that support the elderly besides nursing homes. This means that services to support the elderly are becoming more comprehensive, which also suggests that the number of elderly people needing support is increasing. So, I looked into some statistics related to this. To conclude, almost every graph showed an upward trend. For instance, the number of fee-based nursing homes with care services increased by about 60,000 units over the ten years from 2012. This translates to an annual increase of about 4%, clearly indicating that the number of elderly people needing support is rising. Additionally, the number of registered barrier-free housing units for the elderly, which target those who do not require constant care like in nursing homes, increased by 100,000 units over the past decade. This shows that the impact of an aging population and declining birth rate has significantly contributed to a new social issue of a shortage of caregiving professionals. This made me worry.
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